The Effects of Forestation on RUSLE-K Factor in Lowland Ecosystem of Semi Arid Areas in Turkey

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  • Mücahit KARAOĞLU
  • Uğur ŞIMŞEK


Forestation, RUSLE-K, soil erodibility, soil aggregation


This study was conducted to determine variations in Soil Erosion Factor (K) of Revised Universal Soil Loss Equaiton (RUSLE) and some significant soil properties related to RUSLE-K factor due to forestation on sandy soils of the Igdır Urban Woodland in the north-eastern part of Turkey. 60 surface soil samples were collected from 0-20 cm depth in different 5 locations (9-year, 7-year, 3-year, and 1-year forested and bare land). Soil susceptibility to erosion was estimated using the measured soil properties and soil erodibility nomograph. Soil organic matter (SOM), texture, pH, and aggregate stability (AS) were the soil properties that were analyzed to evaluate such effects. Variations in RUSLE-K, SOM, and WSA were statistically significant at the level of p<0.05. These results strongly suggested that forestation in different stages caused melioration in RUSLE-K and soil properties.




How to Cite

KARAOĞLU, M., & ŞIMŞEK, U. (2019). The Effects of Forestation on RUSLE-K Factor in Lowland Ecosystem of Semi Arid Areas in Turkey. International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(2), 33–36. Retrieved from



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